Explora STEM Scholars Program at X Studio

Explora STEM Scholars Program at X Studio

Explora has established the STEM Scholars Program to support promising seniors pursuing STEM studies at postsecondary institutions in New Mexico. These scholarships aim to encourage students to continue their education in STEM fields, aligning with X Studio’s mission to prepare teens for engaging STEM-related careers that improve economic outcomes for families, strengthen the local workforce, and retain talent within the state.

Applications are now open for 2025!

STEM Scholars in a nutshell:

Our country needs lots of scientific minds thinking about the world’s biggest problems. We need ALL students represented in STEM fields, and the STEM Scholars program works to achieve this.

  • Each scholarship is $2,500 and is awarded in a competitive process. 
  • Award selection is based on academic merit, personal qualities and strengths, and a letter of recommendation. 
  • STEM Scholars are trailblazers who have a strong career focus in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Application Deadline: April 25, 2025

Deadline to submit supplementary materials: May 2, 2025

Application Form

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Two people award a $2,500 scholarship to a young woman in indigenous regalia

How would STEM Scholars benefit New Mexico?

According to the NM Legislative Finance Committee Program Evaluation Unit: 

  • New Mexico higher education institutions are underproducing STEM graduates for an average high-tech economy. 
    • Approximately 2,600 STEM students graduate each year for 4,600 high-tech job openings, estimated from Department of Workforce Solutions projections and Brookings Institute data on average high-tech job growth in the U.S.
  • The high-tech industry in New Mexico hires a lower percentage of STEM graduates from New Mexico institutions than expected, compared to the industry national average, and the state struggles to retain top out-of-state talent, as out-of-state STEM students who graduate from New Mexico institutions are half as likely to be employed in New Mexico. (Report #16-05, 2016)

Donate to Grow the Fund
Explora has established the STEM Scholars Program to support promising seniors pursuing STEM studies at postsecondary institutions in New Mexico. These scholarships aim to encourage students to continue their education in STEM fields, aligning with X Studio’s mission to prepare teens for engaging STEM-related careers that improve economic outcomes for families, strengthen the local workforce, and retain talent within the state.

Applications are now open for 2025!
STEM Scholars in a nutshell:

Our country needs lots of scientific minds thinking about the world’s biggest problems. We need ALL students represented in STEM fields, and the STEM Scholars program works to achieve this.

  • Each scholarship is $2,500 and is awarded in a competitive process. 
  • Award selection is based on academic merit, personal qualities and strengths, and a letter of recommendation. 
  • STEM Scholars are trailblazers who have a strong career focus in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Download Application

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How would STEM Scholars benefit New Mexico?

According to the NM Legislative Finance Committee Program Evaluation Unit: 

  • New Mexico higher education institutions are underproducing STEM graduates for an average high-tech economy. 
    • Approximately 2,600 STEM students graduate each year for 4,600 high-tech job openings, estimated from Department of Workforce Solutions projections and Brookings Institute data on average high-tech job growth in the U.S.
  • The high-tech industry in New Mexico hires a lower percentage of STEM graduates from New Mexico institutions than expected, compared to the industry national average, and the state struggles to retain top out-of-state talent, as out-of-state STEM students who graduate from New Mexico institutions are half as likely to be employed in New Mexico. (Report #16-05, 2016)

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  • Must be a high school senior or first-year college student and a New Mexico resident.
  • Must plan to major in a STEM subject at a New Mexico institute of higher education or trades school. Applicants may also describe their proposed alternative pathway to a program that will result in licensure or accreditation within a STEM career field (for example, as a dental hygienist).
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 on an unweighted 4.0 scale.
  • Arrange for a letter of recommendation to be submitted to Explora from a high school STEM teacher or STEM mentor who can speak to your academic achievements and potential for success in pursuing a STEM degree. 
  • Arrange for an official high school transcript to be submitted to Explora from your school counselor or registrar. 

Application Portfolio Requirements

Access Application
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  • Completed Application Form
    • Brief Essay: in 500 words or less, answer the following questions: 
      • Describe your vision for your STEM future; 
      • Describe who or what inspired your passion for STEM; 
      • Tell us how you will inspire the next generation of STEM professionals in New Mexico!
  • Letter of Recommendation Form. Teachers and mentors: Complete this survey form to submit your letter of recommendation by May 2, 2025.
  • Official high school transcript. Transcripts may be submitted via email from your school office and identify the student in the subject line of your email, as follows: Explora STEM Scholars_STUDENT NAME Transcript. Alternatively, Parchment may be used to submit transcripts.
    Submit by May 2, 2025.

Completed application (with Essay) must be submitted via the linked google form and transcripts and other supplementary materials must be submitted via linked form or email to: STEMScholars@explora.us by the deadlines indicated above. 


Apply now! Completed student applications must be received by April 25, 2025. Students are responsible for submitting their completed application, including the brief essay, by the deadline. High School staff are responsible for submitting the student’s Letter of Recommendation and Official Transcript by the May 2, 2025 deadline. Students, plan ahead and give your recommending teacher and school office ample time to prepare and send these documents for you- don't wait to ask until the last minute! 

Program Benefits

  • $2,500 scholarship
  • Access to academic support and mentorship in X Studio programs
  • Eligible to participate in the Explora STEM Scholars summer orientation program, with access to college readiness supports, mentorship opportunities, and more!

Explora expresses our deep appreciation to everyone who supported the STEM Scholars program in 2024, with 4 scholarships awarded. Help us to grow this incredible program in 2025 and support New Mexico students by donating to the STEM Scholars fund.

Let us be the catalyst that sparks a new generation of STEM leaders and a brighter future for New Mexico. 

Explora expresses our deep appreciation to everyone who supported the STEM Scholars program in 2024, with 4 scholarships awarded. Help us to grow this incredible program and support New Mexico students by donating to the STEM Scholars fund. Let us be the catalyst that sparks a new generation of STEM leaders and a brighter future for New Mexico. 

For more information about Scholarships, donations, or joining Explora’s STEM Scholars Selection Committee, contact Rose Smithson, Career Pathways Internship Manager at ssmithson@explora.us
Donate to Grow the Fund
For more information about scholarships, donations, or joining Explora’s STEM Scholars Selection Committee, contact Rose Smithson, Career Pathways Internship Manager and STEM Scholars Program Manager at ssmithson@explora.us
Two female scholarship awardees are holding up their $2,500 scholarship awards and smiling
Four student awardees, one male and three female, hold their $2,500 scholarship awards up and smile for the camera